Friday, May 25, 2007

Another "Kids Inc." Theme Song

Okay, well here's the one from 1991 with Jennifer Love Hewitt. For some reason, these kids are a little creepy to me. Eh...I don't know why. Enjoy!

Kids Incorporated

I almost regret not being around to see this show...

Okay, well enjoy the "Kids Inc." theme from 1984. It had a previous theme song from it's premiere year in 1983, but I like this one better. Fergie is actually in this, but you probably knew that. Jennifer Love Hewitt was in the show a little later. I might post that one, too, in case you care one way or the other.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

You're definitely a 90's kid when...

Woah. I just realized how long my last post is. I'll make this one shorter.

You know you're a 90's kid because...

1. You thought Brain from Pinky and the Brain would actually take over the world.
2. You can't resist finishing this sentence--Iiiiiin West philidelphia, born and raised...and once you start, you have to finish the song.
3. You got excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class.
4. You know that "WHOA!" comes from Joey on "Blossom" and "How Rude!" comes from Stephanie on "Full House."
5. You were scared by "Are You Afraid of the Dark?"
6. You yearned to be part of "The Baby-Sitters Club." (I wanted to start my own.)
7.You wore those stick-on earrings, not only on your ears, but on the corners of your eyes.
8. You remember reading "Goosebumps" with a flashlight.
9. Spice Girls. Need I say more?

I really miss the 90's. Grr...I got the "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" theme stuck in my head now.

I got these from

You know you're from the 80's when...

Courtesy of, I've compiled a list of my favorite "ways to know you're from the 80's." See how many apply to you (if any). A lot of these apply to me, and I wasn't even alive in the 80's.

1. Four Square was the playground game.
2. You've ever said, "I pity the fool..."
3. At one point during you're teen years, you walked with a noticeable tilt to one side due to the number of plastic rings on that arm.
4.Schoolhouse Rock played a huge part in how you actually learned the English language.
5. The phrase "Where's the Beef?" still doubles you over with laughter.
6. U2 is too "popular" and "mainstream" for you now.
7. You actually know who Rick Springfield is. (I only know from 13 Going on 30)
8. You actually spent countless hours perfecting the care-bear stare.
You can name at least half the memebers of the Brat Pack. (I can name them all! Not that that's anything to be proud of.)
9. You once called 867-5309
10. You've seen at least 10 episodes of Fraggle Rock.
11. You know all the words to Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire" but it didn't hold any meaning to you until about the 3rd verse.
12. You know the profound meaning to "wax on, wax off."
13. You know the words to at least one Schoolhouse Rock song.
14. You owned a T-shirt that says, "I shot J.R," or you know someone who had one.

And to finish...
You spent your 20's and 30's obesessing over how much better things were "back then."

Stay tuned for the sequel--"You know you're from the 90's when..."