Sunday, April 29, 2007

Tropical Chill Pepsi, Anyone?

Okay, before introducing this link, I have to introduce a new quirk of mine...I have a strange fascination with old sodas. No, not "past it's expiration date" old, I mean retro/novelty old. Actually, I have a fascination with soda in general. Once, I was shopping with my mom for soda for a big party we were having, and there was a sale: 5 cases for $10! That's $.17 a can! I got to pick the 5 and I don't know if I've ever spent that long contemplating beverages in my life. Yeah, I know I'm pathetic, but I'm proud of it.

Okay, that was a long story about nothing, and I apologize for wasting your time. Speaking of wasting your time, here's an article from about some old sodas that didn't last. It's a really great article if you share my obsession, or if you just have some time to kill before American Idol. Alright, well, click here.

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