Sunday, April 15, 2007

Who remembers Arthur??

I realize that Arthur isn't technically "retro," but it's my blog and I can do whatever I want with it! Mwahahahaha!! Well, it's retro to me...

Basically, Arthur taught me to read. I had a subscription to the Arthur fan club and had every book written about this lovable aardvark. The two above were my favorites, from 1993 and 1994.

Notice the drastic change in illustrations in the above picture. This was one of the earlier Arthur books, copyrighted in 1976. As far as I can tell, Francine was Arthur's only friend in this book that remained all the way through the series. in this book, Arthur actually has a giraffe and a stork for friends. And there was no Buster! Sad...

The TV show on PBS based on the books became my favorite after-kindergarten show later on. I also had some of the Arthur stories on cassette tape and followed along in the book. Okay, well thanks for reminiscing with me. There's more reminiscing to come. I actually think the 1976 big nose Arthur is pretty retro...

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